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SUNDAY STORIES by Lisa Haukom 3.19.23

Listen, I drop the ball sometimes and I'm totally fine admitting it. I don't want anyone thinking I've got it all sussed out over here and am living in a permanent state of flow and zen. Nope. It takes effort, trial and error, and a ton of to-do lists to keep every one of said balls in the air.

This conversation initially came up with a dear friend who asked me how I managed to get it all done. First of all, I don't have small children to care for. My son is 17, independent, and also my copyeditor. (He's traveling this weekend so if there are typos - now you know why). Second, I am very goal-oriented and I LOVE what I do. I wake up every morning with twenty ideas to try/implement/share, which makes showing up to work easy. This is key. Third, I've learned about my boundaries the hard way and now know the fine line between elation and burnout. I no longer toe that line, it's not worth it to exhaust myself, over-give, and then come back again. Finally and maybe most importantly, I am hyper-organized and a planner. I am a best-case and worst-case contingency planning kind of gal but nothing makes me want to run screaming for the hills quite like an excel spreadsheet. I do, however, LOVE a to-do list. I have journals and journals full of nothing but to-lists. I enjoy creating them, checking them off then crowing about everything I've accomplished that day to my family who generously listens and remains endlessly entertained by how happy this makes me.

My guess is you're built differently, and that's cool. That's so cool because I'll bet there are a dozen things you do well that would blow my mind. I'd love to learn from you too. What are your simple joys? Where do you find satisfaction? Tap reply and tell me everything.

And while I have you here — may I say THANK YOU for your continued support, for growing with me, for allowing me to photograph you, and for trusting me with your precious inbox. I am forever grateful! - XOXO Lisa




The conversation in our Self Portrait Studio Alumni group turned to the topic of boudoir-style photography? Would you dare, could you imagine? The answer is yes, and yes you can. This self portrait photography session was the most free I have felt in front of the lens. I stole a shirt from my partner's closet and set up with the intention of just a few snaps. Thirty minutes later I was full monty and feeling nothing but kindness toward myself and my body. These are the images I chose to submit to the Luupe's contest: Celebrating Ourselves: Self-Portraits by Women and Non-Binary Photographers. And yes, I took them with my iPhone. Click below to see all of the talented artists and read their stories.

Robin Davisson Female Abstract Artist Photography


Lisa Haukom Goldenbrand photography


Our clients want to see their authentic selves. They want exquisite photographs and imagery to properly represent their legacy. Our client wants to see her confidence come through in photos and doesn’t feel that has to mean a full makeover transformation or elaborate wardrobe. But every now and then I have a nervous client so convinced they simply will never take a good photo. They book their photoshoot with low expectations of themselves and hoping for just one good photo. Here's what happens next.

Lisa Haukom Self Portrait Photography Studio


I've wanted to share a post for a while now about my favorite wardrobe staples and the studio gear I turn to again and again. Today it's finally happening! First things first though, I have high standards for my wardrobe staples. They must pair well with several other items already in my closet. They must be a perfect fit, there's no time to readjust my pants when I am bending over 20 times during a session to get the perfect shot. They must be comfortable and make me feel like a rockstar. And finally, they must feel good on my skin which means no synthetics, coarse materials, or fabrics that don't breathe. With that in mind, onto the Studio & Style MVPs!

Quirky Editorial Photography Poses


Weekly visual inspiration and mood boards.

The Modern Woman

She wants to look cool…like, album cover cool.

She doesn’t compete with other women.

She knows she is destined for great things and likely already doing them.

She is a lover and a fighter.

She wants to be photographed for herself.

She already knows exactly who she is and that she is worth celebrating.

Self Portrait Photography Moodboard Pinterest
photo source: Pinterest

Photographers Choice.

Extra flair for your week. Click below to visit. xoxo L. 10 Ways to Hype Yourself Without a Press Release.

Celebrate citrus season with this immune support mocktail

This online market, based in the UK, features all sorts of vintage home goodies.

They sold their house to live on a tiny narrow boat full-time (video).

Half of British television starts exactly like this.

Swooning over the beautiful natural light in this Brooklyn home.

Rue gives us a masterclass in dopamine dressing with every. single. post.


Have a question? Sunday Stories subscribers may submit them here.

Q. I need photos for a launch next month. What is your turn around time?

A. Since I take on a limited amount of clients per month, I have a faster turnaround time than most photographers. However, part of my studio process lies in the pre-work we do together to ensure you are getting the exact images you need for your brand and portfolio. My turnaround depends on how much I shoot, how busy I am, my travel schedule, and the holidays. Typically, for single sessions it takes 14-days or less. I try to get them back to you as soon as possible while making sure I give ample time to each and every image. I am currently booking shoots into the end of April. If you know you need photos by a certain date - the sooner you can get on my schedule the better.


Lisa Haukom, Photographer, Lifestyle Curator & Founder of Goldenbrand Studio


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